
“Apostolic Ministry, Methods, and Doctrine”

Purpose Institute is a ministry training institution that partners with local Apostolic trainers anywhere in the world. PI enables trainers to develop leader’s ministry skills and to clarify their individual purpose.  Purpose Institute supports the local mission by providing curriculum and systems that are adaptable and accessible ministry training resources.


Leaders are Learners


Every great leader is a lifelong learner. Foundational preparation prior to ultimate effectiveness is a leadership reality. Systematic training speeds development. The fact that you are curious about training is a sure sign that you understand qualifying for leadership is an absolute. Through Purpose Institute, students can now be trained by local mentors and achieve a high level of Biblical understanding and spiritual expertise. We are honored that you are exploring your options for training with Purpose Institute.

Training is a serious matter. The Lord’s worldwide harvest depends on qualified workers. If the harvest at home or abroad is slowed down, it is for the lack of trained leaders. Purpose Institute can help. Purpose Institute is a highly effective tool providing ministry education for local leaders while allowing them to remain faithful to their local church, their work, and their families. The evidence since Purpose Institute’s beginning is overwhelming. Those who are utilizing this training option are meeting the need in their local churches for qualified workers.